Cooking & Learning

Despite the mess, aggravation and mayhem, cooking with children can actually be a pleasurable and a learning experience. All it takes is a little preplanning and some simple recipes (you can find lots at your local library). The fact is, cooking helps children develop language, social, sensori-motor, and math skills. They also learn a great deal about science and nutrition. Here's a quick breakdown of the skills children develop while cooking in the kitchen.


Learning about the Canada Food Guide
The value of a healthy meal or snack
The fun in trying new and unusual foods
Language Skills

Reading recipes

Building vocabulary skills
Following written and verbal instructions

How food changes From One State To Another

The different physical properties of food
Food and temperature changes
Social Skills

Getting along

working cooperatively with others

taking turns

Respect for other's work
Trying new experiences
A feeling of accomplishment
Sensori-Motor Development

Touch and food texture and size

Taste and smell
Sight and food appearance
Muscle coordination, chopping, stirring, kneading, mixing


Numbers and fractions