High Dives

Babies, toddlers and older children all have a way of flinging their bodies off high places when you're not there to catch them. This distance to the ground is greater then with trips and slips, and the result can be serious.

If there is something to be climbed on, you can bet a child will find it: Reaching for attractive items, chairs used improperly, climbing or sitting on tables and shelves, piling up blocks or other toys, and falling down stairs. Take precautions by asking yourself if there is anything to excite a small mind to go up where it should not go?  Sometimes if pays to do as the Friendly Giant says, "Look up.  Look way up!"

High chairs and change tables present other concerns.  Safety straps are must, but even then you must pay close attention.   Never assume a little one cannot wiggle free.

More High Dives

Inside or outside, play equipment brings a whole new world of fun and potential hazards.

Swings, teeter-totter, slides, monkey bars and Mary-go-rounds all provide ways of getting children off the ground.  Not surprisingly, they sometimes manage to come crashing back to earth.

High dives here occur when a child looses a grip, uses equipment improperly, does not having the needed skills for the equipment being used, pushing and shoving, or just not being strong enough to hold on any longer.

Climbing equipment is a common source of high falls.  Caregivers and parents should always spot children when this type of equipment is in use.

At times when outdoor or indoor play equipment is in use, staff can be distracted by the need to relax or chat for a minute while the children are busy.   Sorry, this is a time for extra care!   You can't afford to take your eyes off the children, or to be anywhere other than right beside the activity.